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Tuesday 22 June 2010

Proactazyme & Silver Shield & Bifidophilus Flora Force & Chocolate SynerProtein

Higher concentrations found in other brands (as much as 30ppm) can separate and settle at the bottom. Moreover, prolonged use of higher concentrations may cause a gray discolouration of the skin and inner eyelid inflammation. Research indicates that colloidal silver deactivates the enzymes responsible for the metabolism and multiplication of bacteria, fungi and viruses. Nature’s Sunshine’s Silver Shield is safe and effective. Its fine particle size colloids ensure maximum efficiency. Just 1 teaspoon provides a full 90mcg (18ppm) of pure silver without heavy metal contamination. This product is completely non-toxic. £19.95 Buy Here

A fantastic general purpose enzyme supplement from plant sources containing, protease, amylase, glucoamylase, lipase, pectinase and cellulase. It helps the body digest all food types and helps break down difficult to digest foods. £19.95 Buy Here

Bifidophilus Flora Force (Digestive, Intestinal, Immune). The healthy human intestinal tract contains billions of bacteria that live in a delicate balance with each other and in symbiosis with us. £26.75 Buy Here

SynerProTein Chocolate (448g)

High energy, soya protein drink. Dairy, Yeast, Wheat and Gluten Free. £15.95 Buy Here

Silver Shield & Omega 3

Silver can be utilised in a number of different ways, it can be used to help promote recovery from a wide range of ailments. Nature's Sunshine's Silver Shield Gel provides 24ppm of bio available silver and is non-toxic. £24.95 Buy Here

Omega-3 is a classification of certain kinds of fatty acids that result from the breakdown of dietary fats in the body. They are used to form membranes surrounding each of our trillions of cells. Fish get omega-3 oils from the plankton they eat. The names of these omega-3 oils are EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) and DHA (docosahexaenoic acid). DHA is most concentrated in the brain and retina. Both are included in this formulation-EPA 180mg and DHA 120mg, with natural d-alpha tocopherol acetate (vitamin E) to help preserve freshness. Sources for these fish oils are the flesh of cold water fish such as salmon and mackerel. Does not contain fish liver oils. £13.45 Buy Here

Super Supplemental & Solstic Energy

Solstic Energy offers you a remarkable taste, packs tremendous energy and delivers health and vitality! Solstic Energy gives you a rich, smooth flavour you can enjoy anytime, so start your day with the bolt of delicious, nutritious energy your body and taste buds will crave! And you can enjoy our Solstic Energy anytime your body needs an extra boost! £27.00 Buy Here

Balanced nutrients are often in short supply during periods of physical stress or convalescence, or in a diet consisting of mostly processed foods. Supplementing your diet with Super Supplemental can help fill the void. £19.45 Buy Here

Zambroza & TNT

Nature’s Sunshine has harvested the most healthful fruits and natural extracts from around the world and combined them into this unique delicious, nutritious juice which has been specially formulated to neutralise excess free radicals. Zambroza’s synergistic blend of ten powerful ingredients include mangosteen, wolfberry, apple extract, blueberry, concord grape, grape seed, grape skin, green tea, red berry and raspberry. Zambroza is a powerhouse of antioxidants that help the body fight the effects of ageing, caused by excess free radicals, it helps to maintain a healthy cardiovascular system, restores energy levels, help maintain healthy cell growth and maintains a healthy immune system. £21.50 Buy Here

TNT drink mix ensures that you are getting the vitamins, minerals and fibre you need daily. Buy Here

Saturday 19 June 2010

SynerProtein & Liquid Chlorophyll

SynerProTein is designed to give you a powerhouse of nutrition and energy providing a high quality soya protein supplement which is dairy free, wheat free, yeast free, gluten free and virtually fat free. Buy Here

This new paraben-free Liquid Chlorophyll formula uses all-natural vegetable-source glycerine.

Liquid Chlorophyll helps promote the natural cleansing functions of the body, strengthens cells and deodorises the body, including the bowel.

Chlorophyll is the green pigment in plants that harnesses the sun’s energy in photosynthesis. Chlorophyll performs metabolic functions in plants such as respiration and growth. The alfalfa plant, from which Nature’s Sunshine’s chlorophyll comes, is an excellent source of chlorophyll.

This new paraben-free Liquid Chlorophyll formula uses all-natural vegetable-source glycerine. Glycerine is not a true preservative, but a stabilising component that acts to inhibit the growth of microbes. We're excited to introduce this subtle change to one of our most popular products, and with our preservative-free Liquid Chlorophyll, the best just got better.

Mix one teaspoon (5ml) of Liquid Chlorophyll with a glass of water to enjoy this products extensive health promoting properties.

In addition to being a great tasting 'minty drink' which the whole family can benefit from and enjoy throughout the day, Liquid Chlorophyll has effective cleansing properties that make it a valued drink to have during a detox programme.

Chlorophyll is the substance responsible for a plant's green colour. Among its many benefits, Chlorophyll helps purify the body, helps eliminate body odour, helps maintain a healthy liver, rejuvenates the body.

Chlorophyll is non-toxic, soothing to body tissues and safe for use by people of all ages.

Take 1 teaspoon in water twice daily

(473ml bottle)

£9.95 Buy Here