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Tuesday 22 June 2010

Proactazyme & Silver Shield & Bifidophilus Flora Force & Chocolate SynerProtein

Higher concentrations found in other brands (as much as 30ppm) can separate and settle at the bottom. Moreover, prolonged use of higher concentrations may cause a gray discolouration of the skin and inner eyelid inflammation. Research indicates that colloidal silver deactivates the enzymes responsible for the metabolism and multiplication of bacteria, fungi and viruses. Nature’s Sunshine’s Silver Shield is safe and effective. Its fine particle size colloids ensure maximum efficiency. Just 1 teaspoon provides a full 90mcg (18ppm) of pure silver without heavy metal contamination. This product is completely non-toxic. £19.95 Buy Here

A fantastic general purpose enzyme supplement from plant sources containing, protease, amylase, glucoamylase, lipase, pectinase and cellulase. It helps the body digest all food types and helps break down difficult to digest foods. £19.95 Buy Here

Bifidophilus Flora Force (Digestive, Intestinal, Immune). The healthy human intestinal tract contains billions of bacteria that live in a delicate balance with each other and in symbiosis with us. £26.75 Buy Here

SynerProTein Chocolate (448g)

High energy, soya protein drink. Dairy, Yeast, Wheat and Gluten Free. £15.95 Buy Here

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